(For Paid Patron) | Create Usable Images with AI | 10 dynamic sports scenes Ideas |

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Ever felt like a 🦌 deer in headlights when confronted with English prompts while exploring AI image generation services? Do you find the chasm between your imagination 🎆 and your linguistic capabilities too wide to bridge?

Well, you’re not alone! There’s a silent orchestra 🎶 of creatives out there, struggling to pluck the perfect tune from this innovative instrument. Frustration mounts, like a kettle on the brink of boiling over, as your ideal images remain just out of reach 🌠.

Yet, fear not! Here to soothe your strained creative chords and streamline your symphony of thoughts is our “Prompt Journey | Crafting Imagery with AI: High-Resolution Text-Based Prompts” 📜.

This guide is your bilingual concierge, offering carefully curated English prompts alongside their Japanese counterparts and a gallery of generated images 🏞️.

Armed with a quiver of 10 precise prompts, their translations, and a set of sample images, you’re now the archer aiming for your ideal image. Let loose your creative arrows 🏹!

Engage in a thrilling dialogue with AI, and let the sparks of surprise ignite 🔥 as images you hadn’t even dreamt of appear in front of your eyes like a magician’s trick 🎩🐇.

Experience the exhilaration of your creativity soaring, bursting through the constraints of the norm, and diving into unexplored realms 🚀.

Here is your new palette 🎨, the toolset that will propel your creativity to dazzling heights and launch you into a fresh journey of creation.

Ready to embark on this exhilarating expedition with AI? This could be the catalyst that turbocharges your creative prowess beyond its current boundaries. Seize the day! Carpe Diem! 🌅🎈


  • This prompt is in English.
  • There are tools in the image-generating AI that are optimal for creating illustrations.
  • Sample images are created by “Midjourney v5.1”. They can be used with other high quality AIs,such as…
    – Midjourney:https://midjourney.com
    – Clipdrop(STABLE DIFFUSION XL):https://clipdrop.co/stable-diffusion
    – Adobe – Firefly(Beta):https://firefly.adobe.com/generate/images
    But they will be designed differently.
  • You can use the AI tool to create illustrations similar to thumbnails, but there’s a chance that the design will be slightly different because of the algorithm.
  • This prompt is just an example of possible designs. Please feel free to substitute words or edit to add your own arrangement.

Passion on the court: the energy and spirit of an adult generation of basketball players



Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the relentless pace of high-energy basketball. The subjects, from the steadfast dedication of adults age range, should be captured in the throes of the euphoria of triumphant celebrating, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at the vibrant energy of a lively court that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the tranquility of restful pause that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The intimacy of emotive close-ups should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the drama of artificial light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the crushing weight of intense frustration, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.


Field of Youth: The Passion and Energy of Teenage Soccer Players

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the adrenaline rush of exciting soccer. The subjects, from the burning ambition of teenagers age range, should be captured in the throes of the finesse of skillful playing, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at the expansive vistas of a vast field that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the intensity of dynamic action that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The grandeur of captivating full body shots should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the authenticity of vivid natural light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the fierce resolve of unwavering determination, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport


Poolside Elegance: The Passion and Energy of Children Swimming

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the elegance of graceful swimming. The subjects, from the infectious enthusiasm of spirited children age range, should be captured in the throes of the rigor of focused training, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at the cool allure of a refreshing pool that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the tunnel vision of concentrated focus that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The intensity of expressive half body shots should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the balance of harmonious mixed lighting that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the unfettered joy of victory, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.


Fortitude: The Passion and Perseverance of Senior Gymnasts

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the precision of powerful gymnastics. The subjects, from the inspiring perseverance of seniors age range, should be captured in the throes of the heart-stopping moments of intense competing, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at the formidable challenge of a gym that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the camaraderie of supportive interacting that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The intimacy of emotive close-ups should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the authenticity of vivid natural light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the bittersweet reality of overwhelming exhaustion, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.


The Indomitable Marathon: Endurance and Passion in Teenagers

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the sheer tenacity of endurance-testing running. The subjects, from the burning ambition of teenagers age range, should be captured in the throes of the euphoria of triumphant celebrating, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at the pulsating thrill of a fast-paced track that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the tranquility of restful pause that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The grandeur of captivating full body shots should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the drama of artificial light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the crushing weight of intense frustration, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.


Wolves on the Field: Soccer Passion of the Adult Generation

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the adrenaline rush of exciting soccer. The subjects, from the steadfast dedication of adults age range, should be captured in the throes of the finesse of skillful playing, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at the expansive vistas of a vast field that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the intensity of dynamic action that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The intimacy of emotive close-ups should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the authenticity of vivid natural light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the fierce resolve of unwavering determination, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.

「サッカーというエキサイティングなスポーツに打ち込むアスリートの生のエネルギーと不屈の精神を、爽快なスポーツアスリート写真のシーンに収めたい。大人世代のひたむきな姿から、巧みなプレーに酔いしれる姿まで、そのスポーツが持つ気概と情熱、そして規律を鮮やかに表現してください。また、広大なフィールドで撮影することで、スポーツの精神や激しさを表現し、物語を盛り上げることができます。アスリートのダイナミックなアクションの激しさを表現し、肉体的な側面だけでなく、感情的なニュアンスも強調する。感情的なクローズアップは、選手や周囲の環境、その瞬間を決定づける複雑なディテールに焦点を当てるために、細心の注意を払って作成する必要があります。被写体を照らす鮮やかな自然光は、被写体のフォルムやシーンの雰囲気を際立たせ、本物らしさを演出します。そして何より、揺るぎない決意を感じさせる写真であること。”あらゆるスポーツを定義する感情のジェットコースター “を生き生きと表現する。

Brave on the mat: the inexhaustible energy of wrestling

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the power of wrestling. The subjects, from the inspiring perseverance of seniors age range, should be captured in the throes of focused training, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at a gym that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the tunnel vision of concentrated focus that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The intensity of expressive half body shots should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the balance of harmonious mixed lighting that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the unfettered joy of victory, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.


Chess Battle: Passion and Strategy in Silence

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the strategy of chess. The subjects, from the infectious enthusiasm of spirited children age range, should be captured in the throes of intense competing, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at a quiet library that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the camaraderie of supportive interacting that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The grandeur of captivating full body shots should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the drama of artificial light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the bittersweet reality of overwhelming exhaustion, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport."


Concentration in archery: the moment of arrow release

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the precision of archery. The subjects, from the steadfast dedication of adults age range, should be captured in the throes of triumphant celebrating, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at a vast field that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the intensity of dynamic action that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The grandeur of captivating full body shots should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the authenticity of vivid natural light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the crushing weight of intense frustration, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.


Hot Table Tennis: Young Challengers

Capture an exhilarating sports athlete photography scene, encapsulating the raw energy and unyielding spirit of athletes engaged in the quick maneuvers of table tennis. The subjects, from the burning ambition of teenagers age range, should be captured in the throes of skillful playing, their actions painting a vivid picture of the grit, passion, and discipline that defines their sport. The photographs should be taken at a lively court that mirrors the spirit and the intensity of the sport, and adds to the overall narrative. Capture the athletes in the tranquility of restful pause that highlight not just the physical aspects of their actions, but also the emotional undertones. The intimacy of emotive close-ups should be crafted meticulously to focus on the athletes, their surroundings, and the intricate details that define the moment. Utilize the drama of artificial light that illuminates the subjects, highlighting their forms and the mood of the scene. Above all, the photograph should evoke the fierce resolve of unwavering determination, bringing to life the emotional rollercoaster that defines every sport.


PR:Adobe Firefly

As more generative AI services (like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion XL, etc.) become available, I finally decided to try out the image generation from Adobe.

You can test it for free right now.

It’s extremely easy to try out for the first time, so please feel free to give it a shot.

The steps are:

  1. Go to Adobe Express and sign up with a Google account.

2. When you see the screen below, type an “English prompt” and press “Generate”.


3. You’ll get results. 4 images will be generated.


It was so easy, it surprised me.

If it’s too much trouble to come up with English prompt sentences, please make use of the article below.

Anyway, as for the results – the reproducibility of the depictions is surprisingly good, it really amazed me.

Please take a look at the samples below.

This is awesome.

It’s something to look forward to in the future.


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