Privacy Policy

Purpose of use of personal information

This blog may ask you to provide your name, email address, and other personal information when you submit an inquiry or comment on a post.
The personal information we collect is used to respond to your inquiry or to send you necessary information by email, and is not used for any other purpose.

About Advertisements

This blog uses third party advertising services (Google Adsense,, Value Commerce, Moshi Moshi, Amazon Associates) and uses cookies to show ads about products and services based on your interests.
The use of cookies allows this site to identify your computer, but does not allow us to identify you personally.

For more information about disabling cookies and Google Adsense, see “Advertising – Policies and Terms – Google“.

In addition, as an Amazon Associate, our media earn revenue from qualified sales.

About Access Analysis Tools

This blog uses Google Analytics, a traffic analysis tool provided by Google. This Google Analytics uses cookies to collect traffic data. Traffic data is collected anonymously and does not personally identify you.

About Comments

We collect IP addresses when you leave comments on our blog.
This is a standard feature of the blog and we do not use this IP address except in response to spam or trolls.
Please note that all comments are reviewed and approved by the administrator before being posted. Please note that all comments are subject to prior review and approval by the administrator.


We are not responsible for any information, services, or other content provided on sites to which you may be directed by links or banners from this blog.

While we strive to provide the most accurate information possible regarding the content and information on this blog, we cannot guarantee the accuracy or security of the information. Information may be out of date.

Please note that we are not responsible for any damages or other losses caused by the content of this site.

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This blog is not intended to violate any copyright or image rights. If you have any problems regarding copyright or image rights, please contact us using the contact form. We will respond promptly.

About Links

This blog is basically link-free. No permission or contact is required to link to this site.

However, please refrain from using inline frames and direct links to images.