(For Paid Patron) | Create Usable Images with AI | 10 General Family Dining Ideas |

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Struggling with English prompts while wading into the pool of AI image generation? Do linguistic hurdles stifle your creative spirit, leaving your dream imagery 🎆 just out of grasp? A frustration that bubbles up like a simmering pot about to boil over?

Let’s change that tune. Our “Prompt Journey | Crafting Imagery with AI: High-Resolution Text-Based Prompts” 📜 is the perfect key to unlock your creativity.

This guide is the perfect wingman for your creative flights. With English prompts coupled with generated images 🖼️, it’s an all-in-one package tailored for unleashing your creativity.

We offer a treasure chest of 10 precise prompts and their envisioned image outcomes, setting you on a course for vivid imagery and untethered creativity.

You’ll become the master of your creative universe 🌌, articulating your visions with newfound clarity and confidence. Brace yourself for the thrill of materializing images you never even dared to dream before!

This is your pivotal moment, as your creativity spreads its wings and takes flight into uncharted territories 🦅.

Here’s your magic wand, your paintbrush, your catalyst for embarking on an exhilarating journey of creation and innovation 🎨.

As you embark on this unprecedented creative voyage with AI, this is your starting block, your catapult, to transcend your creative boundaries and reach for the stars 🌠. So, seize this golden opportunity and create like never before!


  • This prompt is in English.
  • There are tools in the image-generating AI that are optimal for creating illustrations.
  • Sample images are created by “Midjourney v5.1”. They can be used with other high quality AIs,such as…
    – Midjourney:https://midjourney.com
    – Clipdrop(STABLE DIFFUSION XL):https://clipdrop.co/stable-diffusion
    – Adobe – Firefly(Beta):https://firefly.adobe.com/generate/images
    But they will be designed differently.
  • You can use the AI tool to create illustrations similar to thumbnails, but there’s a chance that the design will be slightly different because of the algorithm.
  • This prompt is just an example of possible designs. Please feel free to substitute words or edit to add your own arrangement.

Capturing the appeal of a main dish prepared in a home kitchen

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a hearty main dish. Capture the intriguing preparation process in action in a homey kitchen backdrop. Your shot should come from a top view for a bird's eye perspective that brings out the sensory appeal of the dish, using a vibrant hues color scheme. The scene should be lit with soft natural light for a fresh look to bring out the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


Elegant monochrome captures seductive desserts

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a decadent dessert. Capture the intriguing plating stage that presents the dish in a well-set dining table setting. Your shot should come from a side view to reveal layers or depth, using a classy monochrome for a timeless feel. The scene should be lit with controlled artificial light for precision and drama to bring out the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


Appetizing appetizers that shine in nature

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a mouthwatering appetizer. Capture the intriguing fresh ingredients in their raw form in a natural outdoor setting. Your shot should come from a step-by-step sequence for a comprehensive view, using natural tones to emphasize authenticity. The scene should be lit with a balanced mix of light sources for depth and contrast to bring out the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


Temptation of tempting sweets

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a delightful snack. Capture the intriguing cooking phase where the magic happens in a controlled studio environment. Your shot should come from a collage to show multiple stages perspective that brings out the sensory appeal of the dish, using vibrant hues to stimulate the appetite. The scene should be lit with controlled artificial light for precision and drama to bring out the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


The Magic of Authentic Cooking

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a hearty main dish. Capture the intriguing cooking phase where the magic happens in a well-set dining table setting. Your shot should come from a collage to show multiple stages perspective, using natural tones to emphasize authenticity. The scene should be lit with soft natural light for a fresh look, bringing out the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


The Magic of the Table: Hearty Main Dishes

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a mouthwatering appetizer. Capture the intriguing fresh ingredients in their raw form in a homey kitchen backdrop. Your shot should come from a top view for a bird's eye perspective, using a classy monochrome for a timeless feel. The scene should be lit with a balanced mix of light sources for depth and contrast, highlighting the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


Dessert Temptations: Tempting Desserts Prepared in Nature

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a decadent dessert. Capture the intriguing preparation process in action in a natural outdoor setting. Your shot should come from a side view to reveal layers or depth, using vibrant hues to stimulate the appetite. The scene should be lit with controlled artificial light for precision and drama, showcasing the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


The allure of sweets: luscious snacks photographed in the studio

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a delightful snack. Capture the intriguing plating stage that presents the dish in a controlled studio environment. Your shot should come from a step-by-step sequence for a comprehensive view, using a vibrant hues color scheme. The scene should be lit with soft natural light for a fresh look, highlighting the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


Monochrome Magic: Appetizer preparation process photographed in the studio

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a mouthwatering appetizer. Capture the intriguing cooking phase where the magic happens in a controlled studio environment. Your shot should come from a side view to reveal layers or depth, using a classy monochrome for a timeless feel. The scene should be lit with a balanced mix of light sources for depth and contrast, highlighting the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


Dessert in natural light: table setting emphasizing the freshness of the ingredients

Create a tantalizing photograph showcasing a decadent dessert. Capture the intriguing fresh ingredients in their raw form in a well-set dining table setting. Your shot should come from a top view for a bird's eye perspective, using natural tones to emphasize authenticity. The scene should be lit with soft natural light for a fresh look, showcasing the textures and hues of the ingredients or the prepared dish.


PR:Adobe Firefly

As more generative AI services (like Midjourney, Stable Diffusion XL, etc.) become available, I finally decided to try out the image generation from Adobe.

You can test it for free right now.

It’s extremely easy to try out for the first time, so please feel free to give it a shot.

The steps are:

  1. Go to Adobe Express and sign up with a Google account.

2. When you see the screen below, type an “English prompt” and press “Generate”.


3. You’ll get results. 4 images will be generated.


It was so easy, it surprised me.

If it’s too much trouble to come up with English prompt sentences, please make use of the article below.

Anyway, as for the results – the reproducibility of the depictions is surprisingly good, it really amazed me.

Please take a look at the samples below.

This is awesome.

It’s something to look forward to in the future.


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